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Pride Surveys’ Top 9 Blog Posts of 2019
As we close out the calendar year, we like to take a look back at the resources we provide our valued colleagues and clients. By taking some time to reflect on what people are engaging with we can learn from and focus on the things that are most important to you, our reader. The topics that our readers are most engaged in are issues that bring together students, the community, and the schools. The intersection of those three points drives discussion that can help all three understand each other.
The Top Most Visited Blog in 2019
Coming in at number one, Why Community Involvement in Schools is Important, was our top most-read blog post ever. It’s no surprise, as this blog details the three groups that collectively have the biggest impact on students’ futures, that of teachers, parents, and the community, and how the community, in particular, provides critical resources that impact the success of local students. Read on for easy ways to encourage community engagement and how to make community involvement a priority for your school.
School Survey Blogs
Blogs about surveying take up the next four spots on our list. These four blog posts, in particular, are about critical survey topics that have resonated with our readers.
School bullying is, unfortunately, an ongoing topic, and the blog All About School Bullying Surveys for Students identifies the purpose and goals of student bully surveys, what they measure, the right types of questions you need to be asking students, and the importance of these surveys. If you are experiencing a bullying issue in your school, we highly recommend you read more about this.
What part do parents and guardians play in identifying level of engagement, school life, safety, drug use and more? A huge part. The School Surveys for Parents blog post identifies what the parent surveys measure, the challenges with these surveys, the purpose they serve, and tips for better implementation of these crucial resources. Learn more about how to increase parental involvement and input.
We live in a digital age. How does technology impact surveys and their results? We dove into these important questions in the Online Student Surveys vs. Paper Surveys blog post. The analysis of the pros and cons of each type of survey implementation remains relevant. Read on to see what may be the best fit for your institution.
The fourth most-read school survey blog post this year was What is a School Climate Survey? These surveys measure the overall climate of schools and educate the teachers, faculty, and administration about how to use data-driven results to improve upon their schools. Learn more about what these surveys measure, why they are important, and the best ones for your school here.
The Importance of Positive Relationships and Engagement
Next on our list are three frequently read blog posts that focus on the importance of community, parent, and teacher involvement in students’ lives and how coalitions can and do improve communities as a whole.
One of the most important relationships that exists within the school system is that of the teacher and student. The blog post 4 Benefits of Positive Student-Teacher Relationships identifies ways these relationships promote academic success, help mitigate behavioral problems, help students develop improved self-worth, and how they assist the educators with their professional growth.
In addition to the relationship students have with teachers, the communication and partnership between teachers and parents are also instrumental to success. Tips for Strong Parent-Teacher Cooperation and Communication builds the case for why these relationships are important and how teachers, schools as a whole, and parents can help cultivate them. This topic is ever-evolving, and one we will continue to focus on in the coming year.
From a community engagement perspective, The Power of Youth Empowerment Programs in Communities post takes into consideration the invaluable impact these programs can have on students, examples of the various programs that exist, how to go about obtaining funding, and the data needed to back up the case for funding. Read more about these programs by visiting the blog post.
The Drinking Age in the United States
The final most-read blog we are focusing on is the long-debated legal drinking age. In the post The Drinking Age Debate: Pros and Cons of Lowering the Legal Drinking Age we analyze the pros and cons of keeping it as-is or lowering it, a topic that remains and will remain relevant for the foreseeable future. The back and forth on this issue has been simmering for a long time and the people debating it have been on both sides of the issue with the older generation remembering the drinking age being set at 18 and the younger having the age set at 21 since their birth. Regardless of your opinion, it’s an interesting debate.
If there are ways we can support your community or school next year or topics you would like to learn more about, please contact us.

- The Spike In Teen Alcohol Abuse During Summer And How to Combat It
- Substance Use Prevention in Youth Heading Into Summer
- Substance Use Prevention and Resources
- Data Collection Preparation for Schools
- Data Collection and Utilization Best Practices (Part 2)