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The Drug-Free Community Survey Supplement
The Drug-Free Community survey supplement requires the gathering of four core measures, which evaluators can use to assess the overall effectiveness of the DFC program on youth substance use. The four core measures of the Drug-Free survey supplement are:
- 30-day alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use
- Perceptions of risk
- Perceptions of parental disapproval
- Perceptions of peer disapproval
This common set of core measures, which was jointly selected by ICF International, SAMHSA, and ONDCP based on feedback from Drug-Free Community grantees, is necessary to ensure consistency in the data as it is tracked across diverse communities. To learn more about our drug-free supplemental survey or any of our many other survey products, please contact our team at (800) 279-6361.
How to Use the Drug-Free Community Survey Supplement
The Drug-Free Community survey module is designed to be used in conjunction with another survey instrument, such as the Youth Risk and Behavior Survey. We recommend that the Drug-Free Community survey not be used alone, as the limited data gathered may not be enough to support a prevention logic model. The single-page, one-sided survey should be used when you are already collecting student data, but the instrument you are using does not meet your grant’s data collection requirements.
In addition to the Drug-Free Community survey, all of our standard surveys for middle and high school students collect the four core measures required by SAMHSA and have been approved by the SAMHSA DFC evaluators. If you are looking for products that covers these four core measures as well as the full range of data that can support your prevention framework, the Pride Survey for Grades 6-12 is a popular choice with other DFC grantees around the country.
For more information about the Drug-Free Community survey supplement, or to learn more about the many benefits of conducting student questionnaires, please call us today at (800) 279-6361. You can also easily order online now!