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Benefits of Conducting Student Questionnaires
Benefits of Conducting Student Surveys
Most schools that administer our questionnaires, whether they student surveys or surveys meant for teachers or parents, are commended for taking an open and evidence-based approach to reform. There are a number of ways in which conducting student surveys using our full array of scalable survey products can benefit schools and communities. For instance, our surveys can help:
Want to learn more about the benefits of student surveys from Pride? Call our team today at (800) 279-6361, or view our FAQs about surveying students. If you are interested in using our school climate surveys, you can also check out a demo of our easy-to-use electronic dashboard, which will help you evaluate and share data after your student surveys have been collected.
Faculty, Parent and Student Surveys Help Develop Meaningful Goals
Using Pride student surveys and data, Ohio policymakers noticed a troubling increase in inhalant usage. They knew they needed to curtail the use of inhalants, so a successful anti-inhalant campaign was launched, and Ohio was able to target its objectives by creating age-specific strategies. Upon conducting statewide follow-up student surveys, they discovered that inhalant use had been reduced and their goals had been met.
This is just one example of many. In all, our surveys have been used in over 74,000 schools to help influence policy changes. Both our Learning Environment and Teaching Environment surveys measure a wide variety of student and teacher behaviors and perceptions that can be addressed even without expensive programs.
By asking questions on school safety, bullying, student-teacher relationships, student engagement, teacher support, instructional leadership and many other important issues, conducting student surveys can help schools develop and meet significant objectives needed for their particular schools.
School Surveys Allow You to Plan and Evaluate Programs
Many clients use parent, faculty, and student surveys from the experts at Pride to identify strengths and weaknesses that they might not otherwise see within the school. This data allows them to zero in on the problems and plan accordingly by implementing programs to affect positive changes in the school. They can then continue conducting student, parent, and faculty surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs.
With our surveys, you can even implement nationwide programs in your schools. Almost all of our surveys comply with the Four Core Measures for Drug Free Communities programs and most comply with all STOP Act grantee programs. Additionally, our surveys can be paid for with Race to the Top funding, Title II funding, State Incentive Grants, and many other public and private funding sources. If you have any specific questions about different grants, we would be happy to help.
In addition, many community coalitions depend upon Pride Surveys, including the nationally-recognized effort begun by Congressman Rob Portman and PreventionFIRST! of Cincinnati.
School Surveys Can Help Create a Positive Public Image
By collecting data about the perceptions of their school, administrators are able to address image problems more directly. Whether the information comes from faculty, parent, or student surveys, administrators can use it as a valuable resource for public relations.
For example, when Jonesboro, Arkansas was attacked by the national media following a tragic shooting, local educators turned to Pride Surveys for help. Using data from their student surveys, they proved that Jonesboro students were less likely than other U.S. students to carry guns to school, threaten other students, and be hurt at school. By conducting student surveys, they were able to prove the shooting was an unpredictable departure from the norm, and this helped heal their public image after the incident.
Interested in finding out more about the benefits of our surveys for students, teachers, and parents? Call us today at (800) 279-6361 or fill out our online contact form to get in touch with a team member about your school or organization’s specific goals, or use our convenient online form to order now!