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The Pride School Staff and Faculty Survey
Your teachers, administrators and other school personnel not only work every day to enrich the lives of your students, but they also often serve as the front-line for protecting them from temptations like alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD). With the Pride for Faculty and Staff Survey, you’ll find out how to better support their efforts – the results of these quantitative surveys will help your school and system planners decide which ATOD policies to maintain, which new prevention or intervention programs to initiate, and how to improve personnel training.
To learn more about the benefits of conducting questionnaires like our Faculty and School Staff Survey, as well as our many other survey products, speak with our team at (800) 279-6361 or contact us online.
What to Expect from Our Quantitative Surveys for Faculty and School Staff
With all of our scientifically-backed quantitative surveys, you can expect to receive a comprehensive and easy-to-read report less than two weeks after we receive your data. Our Faculty and School Staff Survey will gauge your school personnel’s knowledge and understanding of:
- School alcohol and drug policy
- Training needs
- School safety
- Harmful effects of drugs
- Perception of student drug use
- Basic information about specific drugs
- Perception of parental involvement with student behaviors
- Opinions about prevention efforts
We supply a number of school personnel surveys – while this questionnaire is specific to ATOD issues, the Teaching Environment Survey focused on school climate, teaching methods, shared decision-making, and more.
The Faculty and School Staff Survey is available in paper and pencil or on-line. If you have any questions about our quantitative surveys and reports, please call our team at (800) 279-6361. Ready to place an order? Check out our easy online form!